


Resident Student Life Convention


1.The period of accommodation is one year, and no withdrawal will be accepted for non-special reasons (leaving and dropping out of school). The accommodation deposit will be returned after the end of the school year after the acceptance of the resignation experiment.

 二、住宿生應於晚上1130分前返回寢室接受點名,如須外宿,應於晚上 11 時前上網登記,並於11時前離開宿舍。(每月點名缺席2次以上,則會通知家長)

  2. Boarding students should return to their dormitories before 11:30 p.m. for roll call. If they need to sleep out, they should register online before 11:00 p.m. and leave the dormitory before 11:00 p.m. (Parents will be notified if they are absent more than 2 times per month)


  3.Quiet time in the dormitory (12:30 noon to 14:00; 8:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. of the next day). No loud noises are allowed during the quiet time. It is also advisable to speak softly during non-quiet time, so as not to disturb the peace of others.

 四、洗衣坊備有洗衣機、烘衣機,須投新台幣硬幣勿投其他代幣或他國硬幣。使用後請將衣物儘速取回,避免佔用洗衣設備。洗衣坊開放時間上午6時至下午1130 (二宿至11

  4.Laundries are equipped with washing machines and dryers. New Taiwan dollar coins must be put in. Do not put in other tokens or coins from other countries. Please return the clothes as soon as possible after use to avoid occupying the laundry equipment. The laundry room is open from 6:00 am to 11:30 pm (three nights to 11:00 pm).


  5.The utilities in the second, third, and fourth dormitories are paid by the user, and the dormitory students are requested to pay the fee on time after receiving the payment notice.


  6.To borrow a cooking room, you must register in the counseling room with your accommodation certificate. Each use is limited to 2 hours. After use, the cooking equipment and the environment must be cleaned up.


   7.Relatives and friends should register with certificates when visiting. Visitors must leave the dormitory before 10:00 pm.


  8.The address for sending letters and parcels should be written in detail, and the dormitory number, bed number and name should be indicated, otherwise it will be returned.
第一宿舍範例:台中市霧峰區吉峰東路168 朝陽科技大學第一宿舍R601-1 OOO收。

   Example of the first dormitory: 台中市霧峰區吉峰東路168 朝陽科技大學第一宿舍R601-1 OOO收。


   9.In order to enhance the awareness of disaster prevention among boarding students, they should participate in various disaster prevention drills in the dormitory during their stay.


   10.The dormitory students should jointly keep the dormitory rooms and floors clean. When checking and accepting, follow the responsible public area for acceptance. For those who have not completed the check-out procedure, the accommodation security deposit will be deducted according to the seriousness of the circumstances.


   11.The dormitory students shall not have the following behaviors in the dormitory area:


(1)Entering the dormitory of the opposite sex without application, or allowing the opposite sex to enter the dormitory.


(2)Engage in design exercises and painting in non-regulated areas of the dormitory.


(3) Malicious damage to dormitory property, furniture, and dormitory facilities.


(4) Smoking, gambling, drinking, storing dangerous items or carrying contraband.


(5) Do not use induction cooker, instant cooker, coffee machine, electric iron, gas stove, electric spoon, refrigerator, toaster and other electrical appliances with large power consumption in the dormitory, so as to avoid power failure or accidents caused by careless use. Fire (if a fire breaks out for any reason, in addition to the parents who should be liable for compensation, the parties involved should be held criminally responsible).


(6) Moving in, moving out, giving up or exchanging beds without authorization.


(7)Staying in the dormitory for non-resident students without permission.


(8)Moving public facilities or occupying them for oneself without consent.


(9) Selling goods in the dormitory or introducing businessmen without authorization to distribute advertisements and sell goods.


(10)Keeping pets in the dormitory.


(11)Acts that violate public health, residential security or public safety. Violation of other regulations stipulated by the Residential Life Self-Government Association.


    12.To enter the dormitory, the dormitory card must be accepted for verification. When the locomotive enters the third dormitory, it will be parked and inspected according to the regulations. Those who have not obtained a license after inspection will be locked for 24 hours.


   13.The dormitory and bed arrangement can be flexibly adjusted in response to government policies and the actual situation of the school, and boarding students are not allowed to refuse.


   14.Anyone who violates the above conventions shall be dealt with in accordance with the relevant provisions of the school's student rewards and punishments, in addition to notifying the parents and class instructors.


This is to ensure that students abide by the dormitory management regulations and accept the guidance of teachers and self-government cadres during the period of living in the school dormitory. In case of major violations, in addition to notifying the students' parents and class instructors, they will be dealt with in accordance with the school's student rewards and punishments and other relevant regulations.